
Prominent Advocacy Group Recognizes Physical Therapy Professor

Bryan Terry, Assistant Director of Content Marketing & 通信
Professor Francine Sage-King (standing, second from left) assisting a client at the First Stride Training and Clinic in 2018.

A bet亚洲365欢迎投注 professor was recently honored for her work with people who have suffered brain injuries. Clinical Associate Professor Francine Sage-King received the 2023 Marie Ivancich Award from the Brain Injury Association of 纽约 State (BIANYS). The award recognizes those whose personal commitment and professional involvement help advance the association’s mission to support, 教育, and advocate for people and families impacted by brain injury and to minimize brain injury through prevention.

作为一名教授, Sage-King 教育s physical therapy students in the diagnosis and treatment of traumatic brain injury. She is also a clinician and board-certified physical therapist in neurologic rehabilitation, treating those who have sustained brain injuries. Additionally, Sage-King has written and presented at academic conferences about clinical and educational topics.

Image of Francine Sage-King.

"Receiving the Marie Ivancich Memorial Award means a lot to me,” said Sage-King. “I have been drawn toward working with traumatic brain injury patients from a young age, and I've dedicated my career to improving the quality of life for people with brain injuries and their families. This is a great honor and I'd like to thank the Brain Injury Association of 纽约 State for this distinction.”

Originally from Michigan, Sage-King began her career in athletic training after completing her bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology from Michigan State University. She went on to attain a doctorate of physical therapy from Columbia University and began her career as a physical therapist at Helen Hayes Hospital in Haverstraw, 纽约, with a focus on adult patients with neurological impairments.

Sage-King’s interest in this area of physical therapy began early in her life after she witnessed a friend go through a traumatic brain injury. 在时间, she became interested in the progression and recovery of patients she worked with in the clinical setting.

Image of Sage-King and students at March On for Brain Injury Walk.
Sage-King (second from left) with her daughter and Marist students at 2022 March On for Brain Injury Walk.

Her commitment goes beyond the classroom as well. 每年, Sage-King organizes a group of Marist students in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program to participate in the March On for Brain Injury Walk — a BIANYS event that takes place in locations across 纽约 state.

信息rmation on this year’s March On for Brain Injury Walk can be found 在这里.
